Firefox 3.6.4昨晚已经发布,该版本并非一个重大更新,而是增加了一个代号为“Lorentz” 的新功能,这一功能之前我们介绍过,是一个独立插件进程,防止插件崩溃整个浏览器的机制。
3.6.4版已经内置该特性,包括Adobe Flash,苹果公司的QuickTime,微软的Silverlight对浏览器造成的不稳定威胁均可以规避,不过需要注意的是该版本并不支持Mac, 除非Mac系统对软件开发方做出调整才可以支持。
查看:Firefox 3.6.4 Release Notes
Firefox 3.6.4 provides uninterrupted browsing for Windows and Linux users when there is a crash in the Adobe Flash, Apple Quicktime or Microsoft Silverlight plugins.
If a plugin crashes or freezes, it will not affect the rest of Firefox. You will be able to reload the page to restart the plugin and try again.
Firefox 3.6.4 also fixes the following issues found in previous versions of Firefox 3.6:
- Fixed several security issues.
- Fixed several stability issues.
Please see the complete list of changes in this version. You may also be interested in the Firefox 3.6.3 release notes for a list of changes in the previous version.